Mario Save The Date

This animated video aims to tell the story of the couple through a game they grew up playing together. The aim was to create an invite that was personal, yet fun.








Animation, Concept


The Video

The project uses a part of their childhood to take the viewers through their love story. The video tries to tell the story of the couple. I began the project by finding out more about them. These small parts of their life were interwoven into the video.
the project

The Details

The year 1988, when they both were born, marking the beginning of a new story.

The blue outfits represent their school uniform, where they first met and became friends. The (!) shows his interest.

The brain instead of the mushroom signifies growing up together.

...and then, graduating.

He finally confessed his feelings for her...

..but she didn't feel the same way. He follows her, but just like the game, he is unable to go beyond the screen so he has to move forward.

He finds her again in the next phase of his life. The chase begins as Princess Peach runs from Mario. I try to poke fun at the situation by using  "LOL".

Mario eventually catches up to her and the hearts on both of their heads show that they both return each other's feelings at last.

IntroductionOverviewThe Project